Tag Archives: library

It Only Takes a Moment…

So, today I was planning to have this magical mish-mash of audio-visual moments that went right for me. Challenge #1 was “Count Your Blessings” which I chose to interpret as taking a moment to appreciate all the little things that worked for me over the course of a single day. Being my day off from work this was easier to do than one might suspect. Unfortunately I didn’t account for Quicktime not being nice to my MovieMaker. So until I can fix that and post a vidoe of my moments, I’ll simply throw up the post I began working on and hope you’ll be kind.

This is a list of things that went right for me today (you’ll notice I’m only doing the type-able stuff here).

  • my coupons printed right away
  • there was parking at the library near the door!
  • my books I wanted were waiting for me on the hold shelf
  • the store where I had to return a dvd player took it back with no arugments or fuss
  • the sky was a fantastic shade of blue- that always counts as a good thing to me
  • the puppies went willingly to their crate
  • I found a new litter poop scoop for under a dollar
  • I managed to get the 350+ photos on my SD card and the 250+ photos on my phone transferred onto my computer easy peasy
  • I found a hand-carved wax candle I really want to buy

None of this really needs a ta-da, but put it all together and it makes for a pretty awesome day. Tomorrow I’ll get my video up, but in the meantime why don’t all of you take the time to list a few things that made your day better? It makes a difference in the way you feel about your day. Focus on those moments. It’s kind of a nice change. Tomorrow we can all go back to lamenting having to roll out of bed.

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That Takes Me Back…

I went to the library today. I found a couple of CDs that are pretty cool, but the reason I mention this trip is that I used the restroom. No, not in a ta-da! kind of used the restroom. The scent of the ladies room was faintly urine-y with a definite hint of moldy tile, and for some reason this scent brought back the memory of the restroom the fourth and fifth graders shared in my elementary school.

St. Anthony’s held grades one through eight in a  two-story brick building. The basement was the cafeteria/auditorium/chapel for Friday mass. The first floor had the admin and nurse’s offices and four classrooms used for grades one through three. The second floor had four classrooms for grades six through eight and they got the coolest things- lockers. The two extra classrooms (for those who did the math) were labs, one was bio and chem for the “upperclassmen” and the other was a reading lab for the first three grades, rather than housing the students in fourth and fifth grade.

The fourth and fifth graders were instead banished to the other side of the playground to the red brick library building. In all weather we crossed that cement (that’s right, cement) playground and climbed the rusty fire escape that led to the cloakroom we all shared before heading to our respective classes.

All this by way of saying, there’s something about the smell of a tiled restroom with the lingering odor of not quite cleaned up urine that takes me back to elementary school. I did my business and got out quick. {{shudder}}

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